The Internationales Kinder- und Jugendchorzentrum Christuskirche Hannover (IKJCZ) focuses on the promotion of cultural events. As an association we organize these events and obtain their financing. We supervise concerts in the Christuskirche and also other venues in the city. Our organisation is supported by Hanover's Bureau for Cultural Affairs. We raise third-party funding to support and bring together participants and audience in a concert experience. By promoting and planning these events, our aim is to enhance culture and beauty to our city.
Executive Board
Our executive board is made up of representatives of Hanover's various cultural institutions. THe current line-up includes the Mädchenchor Hannover, the Evangelisch-lutherische Nordstädter Kirchengemeinde, the Niedersächsische Chorverband, the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, as well as an institution-independent chairman and treasurer. All board members work on a voluntary basis.

Hans-Martin Heinemann

Gudrun Schröfel
Mädchenchor Hannover

Stefanie Sonnenburg
Ev.-luth. Nordstädter Kirchengemeinde / Stadtkirchenverband

Heinz Köhrmann

Prof. Andreas Felber
Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover

Johannes Held
Mädchenchor Hannover

Gesa Rottler
Ev.-luth. Nordstädter Kirchengemeinde / Stadtkirchenverband

Wolfgang Schröfel
Niedersächsischer Chorverband
Mareike Bahr has been working for the IKJCZ since October 2018. As a studied musicologist and cultural manager, her previous professional experiences range from press and public relations work with the Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie, event organization at the Rheingau Music Festival to the assistant position for both the orchestra department and the marketing department of Konzertdirektion Schmid. With her work at the IKJCZ, she continues a very formative part of her biography. Growing up in the small town of Herzberg am Harz, she spent a major part of her time singing in church from elementary school until the beginning of College. Working at the choir center allows her to combine her personal background with her professional experience and talents and to contribute to the many and varied duties of the association.
Our partners
Thank you for supporting our work!
Without the help of our sponsors the work of the IKJCZ would not be possible.